Wellspring Pediatric Dentistry Blog

5 Facts About Children’s Oral Health That You Might Not Know

June 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wellspringpd @ 10:17 pm
Little girl pretending to brush her smile with dental toy

Taking care of your own teeth is one thing. But taking care of your child’s? That comes with a little more pressure. There’s a lot to be aware of too, so we don’t blame you if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Whether or not you’ve had time to do your research while looking after your little one, we know five oral health facts that can help you out. So step right up and keep reading to learn how you can protect their teeth!


How Your Pediatric Dentist Can Save You from a Complicated Summer Vacation

May 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wellspringpd @ 7:52 pm
Two kids with floaties running on the beach

It’s summer, which probably means you’ll soon be taking the kids to faraway beaches for vacation. You have a lot of preparation to do, and that’s without adding a dental checkup to your to-do list! You might be thinking it’ll be better to take care of the family’s oral health after vacation.

That might seem like the easier option now, but visiting your pediatric dentist before summer vacation could make life less complicated. Before you get swept away with grocery shopping and packing, keep reading to learn more.
