How Your Pediatric Dentist Can Save You from a Complicated Summer Vacation

May 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wellspringpd @ 7:52 pm
Two kids with floaties running on the beach

It’s summer, which probably means you’ll soon be taking the kids to faraway beaches for vacation. You have a lot of preparation to do, and that’s without adding a dental checkup to your to-do list! You might be thinking it’ll be better to take care of the family’s oral health after vacation.

That might seem like the easier option now, but visiting your pediatric dentist before summer vacation could make life less complicated. Before you get swept away with grocery shopping and packing, keep reading to learn more.

Avoid Unwanted Dental Surprises

What are the odds of your child developing a toothache during your summer vacation? After all, that’s one or two weeks out of the year. That would have to be pretty coincidental timing, right?

Actually, your child is more likely to develop dental conditions like cavities and gingivitis in the summer. When routines are lax, it’s easy to forget about brushing and flossing. And when temperatures rise, the kids are going to want cavity-causing treats like ice cream. So their teeth are exposed to more bacteria, and they might not be cleaning off that bacteria as often. It’s not a good combination.

To prevent unwanted dental surprises from ruining summer vacation, squeeze in that dental checkup! Your pediatric dentist will professionally clean out bacteria and make sure your child’s oral health is good to go for fun in the sun.

Build Up Good Oral Health Habits

While you’re at your child’s pre-vacation dental visit, you can ask for oral hygiene advice. It can be difficult for kids to maintain a dental cleaning routine. Fortunately, your pediatric dentist knows some tips that’ll encourage them to brush twice daily and floss once a day. Sugary summer treats won’t stand a chance!

Your pediatric dentist might also give the kiddos a toothbrush and toothpaste to use at home. This is the perfect time to introduce some new, cartoon-themed traveling accessories to their dental kit. Who wouldn’t want to keep their toothbrush in a Scooby-Doo print traveling case? This’ll give your little ones just a little more incentive to take good care of their teeth!

Put Your Family’s Best Teeth Forward

Overall, what you’re doing by visiting your pediatric dentist before summer vacation is ensuring your family puts their best teeth forward. “Forward for what?” you might be wondering. For family photos, of course! A professional cleaning will polish up those pearly whites, and improved oral hygiene routines will make sure they stay brighter for longer. When it’s time to say “cheese!” you and the kids will be ready!

A dental appointment might seem like just one more thing standing between you and summer vacation. However, getting your kids in for a pre-trip dental checkup will help you enjoy it more. Remember that when you call up your pediatric dentist!

About the Author

Dr. Nisha Mehta is a board-certified pediatric dentist and mother herself, so she understands the pre-summer vacation rush! She’ll thoroughly examine and clean your children’s teeth so you can hit the beach without worries. Just give her office a call at 281-849-3003. Dr. Mehta will be happy to work with your family! For a full list of services, feel free to explore her website.

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